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专家提醒:写好英语作文的关键是套用句型,背诵大量范文,达到熟悉这些地道的句子结构!建议你背诵这篇英语作文Chapter Three 文章结尾形式,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分!

2-1 结论性--------- 通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出或重申文章的中心思想及观点 .


[1]. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the

conclusion that .....

[2]. In summary/In a word , it is more valuable .......

2-2 后果性------ 揭示所讨论的问题若不解决, 将产生的严重后果.


[1]. We must call for an immediate method , because the current

phenomenon of ... , if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the heavy

cost of .......

[2]. Obviously , if we ignore/are blind to the problem , there is

every chance that .. will be put in danger .

2-3 号召性 -------- 呼吁读者行动起来, 采取行动或提请注意.


[1]. It is time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable

tendency of ......

[2]. It is essential that effective measures should be taken to

correct the tendency .

2-4 建议性 -------- 对所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见, 包括建议和具体的解决问题的方法.


[1]. While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways. The

most popular is .... Another method is ... Still another one is .....

[2]. Awareness/Recognition of the problem is the first step toward the


2-5 方向性的结尾方式 ---- 其与建议性的唯一差别就是对问题解决提出总的, 大体的方向或者指明前景.


[1]. Many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some

sense, but none is adequate enough. The problem should be recognized in a

wide way .

[2]. There is no quick method to the issue of .., but .. might be


[3]. The great challenge today is ...... There is much difficulty ,

but ........

2--6 意义性的结尾方式 --------> 文章结尾的时候,从更高的更新的角度指出所讨论的问题的重要性以及其深远的意义!


[1]. Following these suggestions may not guarantee the success, but

the pay off might be worth the effort . It will not only benefit but also

benefit .....

[2]. In any case, whether it is positive or negative, one thing is

certain that it will undoubtedly ......

专家提醒:写好英语作文的关键是套用句型,背诵大量范文,达到熟悉这些地道的句子结构!建议你背诵这篇英语作文Chapter One 文章开头句型,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分!

1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,



[1]. When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people

say that ....... But I think/view a bit differently.

[2]. When it comes to .... , some people believe that ....... Others

argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true . There is probably some truth

in both arguments/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...)

[3]. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged

that .... They claim/believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether.....

1-2 现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论 .


[1]. Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) ... has cause/

aroused public/popular/wide/worldwide concern.

[2]. Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ...

has been brought into focus. ( has been braught to public attention)

[3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the

new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.

1-3 观点法 ----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.


[1]. Never history has the change of .. been as evident as ...

Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/idea of .. been more visible/

popular than...

[2]. Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/

coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that...

[3]. Now there is a growing awareness/recognition of the necessity


Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ......

[4]. Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea


1-4 引用法 ----- 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!


[1]. "Knowledge is power." such is the remark made by Bacon. This remark

has been shared by more and more people .

"Education is not complete with graduation." Such is the opinion of a

great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion.

[2]."........." How often we hear such statements/words like theses

/this .

In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as

this "......".

1-5 比较法 ------ 通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文章要讨论的观点.


[1]. For years, ...had been viewed as ... But people are taking a fresh

look now. With the growing ... , people ....... .

[2]. People used to think that ... (In the past, ....) But people now

share this new .

1-6 故事法 ---- 先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.


[1]. once in (a newspaper) , I read of/learnt .... The phenomenon of

... has aroused public concern.

[2]. I have a friend who ... Should he .... ? Such a dilemma we are

often confront with in our daily life.

[3]. once upon a time , there lived a man who ... This story may be

(unbelievable) , but it still has a realistic significance now.

1-8 问题法 ----- 先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题.


Should/What ...... ? Options of ... vary greatly , some ..., others ...

But in my opinion , ...... .








The edge of reality and fantasy, we struggle, like a helpless swimmers, exhaled water came to you and take your breath away. Don't want to

Destruction, are still falling, and finally fall in love with and complete destruction, will you back to reality, to give you pour a pot of cold water. Cold and hot alternation, like

Reality and fantasy.

Overcast, it seems that it's going to rain.

The broad road has been stretched to the end of the street, cold air, the wind is very big. The street is still busy, the car stuck in the middle of the road, a few

Personal out to their horns anxiously.

Alone among the crowds traffic, excitedly ran, cried, greet passers-by look amazing.

Run for a long time, however, still not rain, stopped with disappointment, looking into the distance, I do not know where, at the end of a strange straying and in my heart

I felt helpless

Strange... B: yes.

It feels like and desert, you can't see the edge, eyes just sand and sky, the yellow and blue. You'll feel

Is so small, everything, everything, like a whirlpool will be surrounded by you, you are struggling, don't want to be disappear, disappear, but all useless.

Often in want to life, why want to own in this world, also have thought of countless reasons to prevarication, myself is, after all, is not clear. Actually each

People are looking for this problem, there are millions of people have made numerous answers, but that's just the people suffering with after a lifetime of product, it is not the answer.

No one can solve this problem, it will with the people to pass down from one generation to another, from one generation of people will strive for, with his own life

To pursue. Maybe one day, he will be answer, may be with time banished, no one will think about this question, maybe... Mystery, after all is a mystery,

What is a life, no one can answer.

Are not rain, the heart is wet, a feeling of MoMin filled with the whole chest, not sad not pleased, seems to be anxious. But let a person more than anxiety

Mad. So stood at sea.

Road, alongside a vehicle with a whistle.

Still not rain, I looked at the sky, dazed, strange feeling eating into my heart.

Stood helpless, want to cry, want to cry, want to run, want to vent your life, for the world. Think about everything. But this is just a thought, not

There are implementation.

The cold wind blowing, it is very cold, but I do not feel cold.

A loud horn will I wake up, he realized he had to stand for a long time.

The second

In the night, the stars dispersion. They are far away from us, every star with mystery, with the ancient, with sadness. They live in one thousand, one thousand, hundred million

Years, witness to the ebb and flow of the world, they emit a weak light, lonely, lonely, desperate to prove himself. One thousand ten thousand ten thousand in time... just

They live on?

Walking alone, still looking forward to the arrival of the rain.

Low head, thinking and remembering. once upon a time all this only do it on a rainy day. But at the moment, no rain, the mind becomes.

Everything was suddenly attracted by the scarlet.

They piled up on the lawn next to the side of the road, with a withering, erosion, covered a layer of dust of life, they will eventually be buried, with regret and unwilling.

God is not fair, is also a fair, he gives you a beautiful appearance, but all this need to change your life. So, he shook the four seasons

Roulette, let all the rebirth, death, lift, and then rebirth. He created the life gracefully, but raised his hand, brutally destroyed him.

Just, our world will be destroyed? In other words, the universe will be destroyed?

once had a friend asked me, what will the world destroyed, we will consciously? We will be in what form?

I silently shook his head at that time, but I was sleepless night.

I wonder if there is all this, the stars, and the trillions of living things as an explosion that go up in smoke, that is how a scene.

I am a pessimist, there is nothing wrong. Like to see the fallen petal fell and the imagined him into the dust, like to see that the raindrops, finally under the impact of being dissolved, powder

Broken, like to watch the sunset with the lonely world slowly sinking, eventually swallowed by the darkness... They brought the destruction of the breath, but how many poignant, with a shock

So, cosmic explosion of scene can be how?

Maybe it is still deep silence, we see that each star in the end of the earth, into dust, the moon broke into pieces, like to play in the dark

Broken mirror, emits light in silence, no one can see... Maybe at the other end of the earth, the sun appears one cracks, finally in all directions,

Little form the remnants of a flame is still burning, baking still on the ground. But no one can the remnants of the sun shot, kua fu cannot

To go after day. Even if he, also don't know where...

How I want to go to witness the thrilling and exciting moment, by that time, what I think? Can I stay everything is destroyed, how to think about it? How do we go to save

In? All the deals, a dream.

So I pray and pray I can live to that one day, I pray to that day, I am abreaction finally, I want to go to the witness, the witness I don't have the shape of the world, but I want to go to witness the destruction of the world, although I'm not god, not god, everything is just because of my curiosity.

"In order to see the sun, I came to the world," he told us to be optimistic.

"In order to see the stars fall, I came to this world." This is what I really want to say. I like the smell of destruction, I like sad, but I don't want to go to see the

With weeping and loud sound come out of sadness, that perhaps is really sad, but I don't know, but feel more noise, I like is the loss of sorrow, quietly to them

Sad people need to be discovered. They quietly in the corners, derivatives, and then quietly leave, leave no trace, from now on become a world traveler.

I think if you can, it's whole life will not be the concern of the people. Like the meteor, the wild flowers in the corner, the moss on the tile, and the universe.

Than people lost, they lost maybe more shocking, although people don't know, even if be found, can only capture the little camera. In the end, will not

To meet again. So I cherish, cherish every one yeah, an ant, a stray cat, a flower, or even a broken glass.

Each time, I always prayed silently in my heart. For them, but also for ourselves. If one day, I left the world, whether there will be someone there to pray for me?

I believe that those who witnessed the loss of life, and I could hear the inner most sincere hope of flowers.

They are alive, I have always believed.


Flapping his wings of life, with a gorgeous beauty, into a rainbow, giving emphasis to the world of the dark clouds a feminine beauty. Just, wait for the beautiful feathers, what will be left? only pale and weak and fragile... only these.

Roadside flowers and plants, shook hands with big eyes, look, with hope and anxiety is to feed the baby. But the sky with a straight face, do not wish to full

They this little desire.

Ear rings that shrill whistle, with pride and despise. I walked forward, the return of the empress is a busy day, brush again and again, again and again

Wrong, I felt their anxious.

It made me think of Mr Zhu zi-qing "rush".

"Going though, although again; what is to come in the middle of the rush?" I want to say is in the middle of it to go to a fuse, connected to the past

And in the future, the burning into foam is in the past, the flashing Mars is now, and that unburned is the future.

The past into powder by the wind, lost in a distinction between, but that Mars hopping, air cooling at the twinkling of an eye, eventually become the past, the future gong close tight

Drum weaving, to meet the reality...

In the past - reality - in the future, everything is in a hurry made the journey of life. All run to the past, everything is just in a flash, let a person can not afford time to sigh

Fuse the infinite extension, with no end in sight, the end is where?

I think it must be a cosmic explosion.

It was a quiet moment, is a beautiful moment, it is time, is the end of the world. It is countless lives into dust. People can't

Hear, see, because at that moment, people, animals, insects, everything has an end, all the history of the dead, the rest is just... Chaos and darkness.

I don't want to think, I am afraid will be deeper, I am a life on the planet, is the existence of which is the universe. I cherish it all, life, land, and blue

Day and the stars, all this I know, I don't want to but they disappear.

May be behind the end, it is the beginning of another era, are numerous other derivative of life, the universe will open the next chapter, I, we, we this

The age even history are unable to retain.

What I wish is this age can forever, everything can last.

Long standing still, looked at the dark clouds hanging over the sky, I know, in the dark gives me is a fantasy, rambling thinking, but with many contradictions and fan. Want to escape, but it is largely in vain.

The world is a flap their wings, that life is a dream of a root feathers, the world is constantly running, constantly flapping his wings, each flap, always

There are many beautiful feathers fell, they are dim, the color is gradually replaced by gray, helpless hover in the air.

Wings show pink flesh, but soon a new feathers instead. Wing is still beautiful, she is flashing, in the air to draw a ribbon,

Let a person cannot distinguish the colors.

But everything will be stopped, when all their feathers fall, everything is clear, the rest is just shocking scene.

I folded hands, close your eyes and pray, pray everything will be ok.

Everything will be ok...


"Di - di"

Long will I wake up, I zheng big eyes looking at the world, all the panoramic view.

Dark clouds rolled and red petals on the ground dozen roll, on the streets of people come to car, still business as usual, the normal operation, calm and deep...

"Everything is all just fantasy..." I smiled and twittering.

Concrete, a few drops of rain will apply colours to a drawing, a bit around, people more hurried footsteps...

It's raining!

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Sixteen, like the wind, gently over my shoulder.

Experienced in the light of lamp to release the countless tired in the evening, sparks by branch of some friendship, our 16 years old, like wings over the blue sky, leaving no trace, but we still kept chasing dreams in moment.

At sixteen, I got too many things.

Sixteen years old, I've lost more more...


Quiet, 16 crazy sixteen.

Because the university entrance exam, so quiet, but also because the university entrance exam, so crazy.

I think I must have, like guo jingming said, entering the state. Face of numerous damage brain cells, more let a person close to the collapse of the topic, no complaints, just quietly away, take a look at begin immediately after in paper, quiet, silent, because is not up to a and a little sigh, continue to occupy a problem.

No wonder the deskmate said the cat, if put me on a desert island live like lubin sun, as long as you take a stack of paper, a stack of title, a pen is enough, she said believe I'll amuse ourselves.

I use is enough to kill people eyes stare at her: "in you, what do you take?"

Cat suddenly smile silly: "I? Of course is a cartoon, a train. Ha ha, especially xia the child not language!"

Is a very easy to crazy age of 16, like a cat that sharp elder brother and my table before the great elder brother is a typical "through" the most, especially sharp elder brother, when it comes to comics, two eyes shine, feel extraordinarily fortunate, brief encounter.

But a macho man deskmate really grasp solid fuc "crazy" for my mobile phone, "machine hand all day, day and night texting, QQ, chat, and there are sayings:" can kill, mobile phone no." Its crazy degree.

Easy to crazy, 16 of 16 parents of the children is also easy to crazy, was still calm, heard the child's grades, immediately the fire emit three zhangs, what the "lady" gentleman "image" all is lost.

once I said to my mother: "you are an ordinary person." Her poker face, then I added: "you are a special person." Her face lit up, finally I said: "you are a special ordinary person." Mother is mixed.

In fact I am very hope mother is a "special" and not ordinary person, such as don't too much attention to my grades, such as to allow me to sleep late in the month, all morning not up, for example, think of my happiness above all...

But all this assumes that, so I had to choose silence, after all, don't have too many crazy people in a family.

We have 16 years old

only two days, very quiet a day, a day is very crazy.

Our 16 only two days, a day to learn, or just a day to learn...

The second

Sixteen anthomaniac, boast of sixteen.

Fascist brutality, failed to deter Anne the longing for freedom and love of beauty.

Teachers and parents sharp vision, also can't stop us enthusiasm for Apollo.

In the 16 year old youth, who would not worship a star? A raised eyebrow frowning tightly affects all the left chest that is like holding a fist size of beating.

Addiction to hear the name of the star is a full face of happiness, is filled with smile.

Turnip greens, his taste, and sometimes fired an idol to defend war.

Dormitory is most like jay Chou, S class heard about jay Chou, excitement was like two thin lines eyes completely covered in two buccal bumps in the meat, only feeling she was disorderly fibrillation.

The front of a cat kangxi is wang fan, bought an album one day, there are engraved with wang's signature key inside. Kangxi that day is laughing questionable whether to call the hospital.

Because anthomaniac, began to boast. Angel at 402 in front of the mirror countless times a day, not boast too, I believe you still remember the macho man at a side said: people shameless ah pigs don't bark.

Know why she say so? Hiss, small voice point, let her hear my courageous being.

Because she is also boast, is more than angel and, in the mirror is smiling, at first I thought she would ask: "mirror mirror, tell me who 402 most beautiful people." Results her eyebrows, waved and said, "hi, beauty!"

Angel aside defy spirit "hum", immediately bring fatal disaster, as you can see, macho man a pistol to angels caught full dorm straggling, loudly for mercy: "I never!"

Boast not, therefore, as long as there is can show off the capital, but also the force of a certain basis, such as macho man.

Our another two days, 16 day to worship others, a day to worship him.


Lonely sixteen, sixteen years old.

Maybe it's because we're most of the "90 after" one-child, a person alone, a person living in the big bedroom, always some lonely, always want to have a man to company. After watching "the catcher in the scarecrow," and wanted to have a brother wishes more intense, also began to understand why the angels must give her daughter a brother.

From lu xun said: "not in silence, perish in silence."

So lonely?

In this world no one can withstand lonely, so just three group, five, vigorous and lively【99作文网 www.99zuowen.com】


As the saying goes: a girl is quiet, mean two girls, three girls a play. As we are in science class, there are twenty or thirty girls, you can imagine, how much is to be able to play.

A very simple example, in the first half of the angel's class, one day history, cat, dean to discuss the future life with her. Angel said she want to open a bookstore, for example, she is reading in a store doorway, cat joked bookstores to steal others out she don't know, I'm afraid. Three people discuss salivate, very lively.

And one day the boss to get a cantonese song with bluetooth, whole bedroom at night leaves her phone passionate male voice, high, next to the bedroom estimate thought we were in a cow, and 805 for 805 is not a busy dormitory casually, and 805 just hilarious, it is not a bedroom.

We're sixteen, looks very lively, engraved inside was lonely, as a flying fireworks, a flash drive to the extreme, moment to die with the wind, swaying after floating away.

Adults see is the noise of the fireworks gorgeous, but can't understand die lonely in the dark.


It's chilly early autumn wind, the time of the afternoon was so leisurely and comfortable, the sun light is dizzy, hazy and make the light blue sky appears gloomy.

I am sitting under the tree in front of the couch, watching hand green bamboo leaves, imperceptibly into a distant memory.

That year, I was 6 years old.

When the sky is blue, water is very clear, even the wind with light fragrance of bamboo leaves.

Don't know why, I am very quiet, she didn't love to laugh, probably because the environment of my life - the hometown of most of them are the old man in the village, young people go out to work, not the children, even if it does, it can't often go out to play, because the old people always be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, all of a sudden turn invisible man is thought by human traffickers, so all day long staring at their children, don't let him run away.

Like a caged bird, delicious good drink, every day is not supposed to have freedom, thus formed the temper of autism, even if the host opened the door one day, you will not go out, because do not fly, also don't want to learn more.

Grandma doesn't like other old man looked at me firmly, but the other children don't go out, I had no fun, then stay at home all day, see animation, practice.

Until the autumn, he appeared.

He is like a beam of light, nine, ten, I heard him tell grandma to take me out to play, and some outside the village children, all with low head, like a fear of the world, because the old man always can speak some dangerous thing, let them fear, afraid to go out to play.

I was the smallest of them, a girl, I heard my grandma with the ke rambled mandarin, agreed to the request of the boy, don't know why, my heart have a caper, such feeling, we've never seen a bit of a novelty.

Seven or eight children so we go out, all I have been a little pull the boy folds, he also don't mind, let me pull, I am sure that we don't have a person in this village, but I think he is a man of very rich sense of security, as if he is in, nothing happens.

My home town and surrounded, beautiful scenery, the only access to a road, so few people to play, he took us to climb a mountain halfway up the hill, there are stone, three high, after the stone don't know when to have a small lawn, has withered by half, some dark color, make the person's mood very not up, but there is a bamboo forest by lawn Mao Zhusheng many high, over the lawn, leaves hanging over the rock nearby, sunshine is illuminated through the green bamboo leaves, added a few minutes for such a tiny world green.

Leng for a while, the god of me, suddenly found that hand a loose, quickly recovered panic looking for him, don't know why, empty hands, it seems empty a piece of heart. But on one side, he didn't go far. He stood at the edge of the rock, slightly bigger stone, seems to want to climb up, I quickly ran past, stand tiptoe to pull his legs, he looked back, eyes have a little confused, so look at me, asked: "what's wrong?" His voice is very nice, very fine very soft and very clean, I think not heard the voice, can not help but have a moment of lapses, he saw that I don't speak, just go back and continue wondering how to climb, I return to absolute being, mouth shouted: "brother." My voice of waxy waxy, should be a long time didn't make any noise, he turned again, gentle smile, looking at me, waiting to hear the word of my next, I slowly open, voice still so young: "you're going to leave me?" With some careful, I asked gently. He one leng, then smile amplification, eyebrow eye, curved such smile is beautiful, I think I have never see such a smile in my life, because the smile is from the heart, very clean, without any impurities, but I was such a laugh shakes her eyes, because that smile too sincere, too bright, not for me so that all the year round in the dark.

He stood high, like a deity, the pageant is the bright and dazzling light, his smile, his hand, as if he were to his subjects to grace, I hastened to retract a hand, away from his hand to touch my head, for fear that I such a humble person defiled his holy hands.

The smile on his face froze, in the whole of the light in my eyes slowly retreat, finally like a normal person, I think. Take back his hand, looking at me, mouth issued a voice like that, or so light: "elder brother go up, where are you going?" I heard, a little afraid, but don't want to play with other children who are here I will not play games, so I nodded, look down to the ground dead after half of the grass, no longer look up, because I know that I couldn't get on.

I hear he smiled two voices, that laughter is like the water on the walls of the smooth voice, so clear, so pleasing to the ear. I look up at him, a bit at a loss, he clear eyes filled with smile, "I hold you up." He spoke, the corners of the mouth or sitting, canthus is carrying, as if met something funny, when I recall what he said, were startled, but his older, I am a high head, body also is very thin, how can I hold.

He looks at a face of surprise, I jumped down from the stone, and looking for some cat so big stones, under my surprised eyes, one by one on he had stood on a stone, some mud on his hands, he just brush on the brown shirt, he looked back at the stupidly I hand wipe on my face for a moment, then ha ha laugh, I return to absolute being, stretched out his hand and touched the face, a little dirty, but didn't care, maybe it's because at the time was a little less love clean.

Later, he let me to find a small stone, filling the gap between the big rock, so as not to wait up after a fall off because of the shaking.

In this way, both of us with a variety of large stones on the large stone set up a small platform.

He carefully climbed up, and then turned back at me out of the dirty hands, I hold on, a little uneasy, go after, when I stand in situ, also dare not move, just afraid of accidentally fell down, he turned again, the foot in those holes, dents stone slow, quivering, feet are solid and strong, climbed it, without a few he stood tall, very happy appearance, eyes have a spot under the sun, like the stars twinkling, I looked up at him, like a worm, in looking at the generation on blessing the gods of the world.

He look into the distance, as well as voice sighed with emotion: "true the United States." I try to look about the place that he saw, but in my point of view, most of the light is blocked by boulders, was dark, but let me to adapt to, this is the place where I should live, cold, damp, no light, like a dirty wallowing in the mud of earthworms, never touch it holy and clean blue sky, even see, only see mud mixed with dirty day, so don't go to yearn for, no longer to pursue, living in his ordinary and humble, until to die.

I seem to see the divine in retrospect I, out of the dirty without losing your holy hands, towards me. I look up at him, his smile, bright smile and pure, let me lapses, so looked at him, for a long time. Unknowingly, I stretched out his hand, holding his, his hand slightly bigger than me, wrapped in my hand, that kind of feeling is very wonderful, let me the trance. Later, he stepped on my feet before stepping on the place, he push pull on it, I always go up, just to look at the place, where there are mountains, the mountains there are houses, the top of the mountain mist, sunshine is illuminated through clouds, hazy spread out, there are layers of aperture, is really beautiful.

Maybe it's because the place is too high, a little scared, so I sit. Is green bamboo leaves under the sun, as in the body warm, very comfortable. He stood on my left, the fork wear a waist station, like the heavens and the earth open yes pangu, with heaven and earth to jacking, though this feel, but a wind blowing, his clothes were filled, he gives me a kind of illusion can be blown away by the wind, I quickly pull the dragging folds of his, he looked back at me, smile of brilliant, face, eyes, mouth, full of smile, I looked at him, and said in a low voice: "brother... you can sit down?" I think I should be really afraid, will say so.

He is full of smile eyes appeared a little confused, but fleeting, I even doubt that is my illusion, he ha ha smile, stretched out his hand and touched my head, and said "yes", then lay down beside me, with his hands under the head, a green light reflected in his eyes, very beautiful.

I looked at him and asked: "elder brother, why do you want to take me out to play?"

Sit up, he saw my one eye, like thinking for a while, said: "baby, always the love to play some." After laughing, then suddenly I feel he is like a madman.

I have no language looked at him, eyes have could not hide the contempt, he saw me such a look, leng leng, held out his hand, after on my forehead play a chestnut, then ha ha laugh, I eat pain narrow squint, stretched out his hand and touched the place had just been playing, frown looked at him, probably because at the time was a little, little bullying is not happy, then crying up, he saw that I cried out, turns out to be unprepared: "are you...... you don't cry ah, brother... brother is in the wrong line not line, you don't cry, ok." I think he is really don't know how to coax a child, but I later changed the idea.

His panic said, as if even shaking voice, "that... that I blow curved son to listen to you, you don't cry, ok." I stopped crying, turned sniffles, I think I the ability to control how so good.

He see me crying, like a sigh of relief, and then stood up, stand tiptoes, from hanging on the top of bamboo took a piece of bamboo leaves, I suddenly felt he grow so high, like a man. He sat down, took his bamboo after bending the knee, the bamboo leaves to mouth, lips slightly parted, close your eyes, and a string of beautiful notes would waft out, like a catkin brushed blue waves, take up the ripples, like the wind, gentle like water quiet, like a quiet down, and in this moment all over the world more than just the gentle melody.

He looked calm, bend the knees at the moment with bamboo leaves blowing song, to show his heart vulnerable, he always smile, but it does not mean he is happy, because in some cases, his smile always failed to reach, even with a hint of sadness, he now, I have never seen before, so weak, so fragile, like a child, need the protection of the adults.

Like a song, he opened his eyes, eyes with tears, does not seem to be, he looked at dorky I, forced out a smile, but the mood also is full of sadness, I heard him say: "this song, is my mother call me, hear very well." His eyes, let a person love dearly.

I nodded, should be a sound, so they don't speak, I think I was a little, also not qualified to comfort a ratio I big brother.

He stretched out his hand and touched my head, and make my hair is a mess, and ha ha laugh, I don't know if his smile from the heart, because there are a lot of people laugh always narrowed his eyes, let a person can't from his eyes to see into his heart.

Casual, I a little corners of the mouth upward hook, don't know whether I smile, only feel quite happy.

He was stuck at the moment I hook up the corners of the mouth, and then smile, I heard him say: "finally smiled, little girl." After a while, and said, "!"

I was shocked, hurriedly convergence up, no longer see him.

He looked up at the already inclined at the edge of the mountain, the sun, losing of bamboo leaves, said: "it's about time to go home."

I stood up, and came before the local hesitated, because it is a little high, before I thought I was such a climb.

After that, I feel there is a hands reached into my armpit, itch a bit, but did not dare to move, because he had picked me up, feet off the ground, I'm afraid of fall.

I feel his slightly move a small step forward, then I slowly put down, struggling a little bit, he slowly, bending, the knee, the body slightly forward, until my foot and the platform is a knee distance, he let go, I placed firmly on the ground. I looked back at him, I saw he walked with his knee, with his hand the howl of the gasped, reddish, describing a nose is sweat, he saw that I look at him, suddenly open mouth smile, smile of satisfaction, like we did anything.

According to the before went up after him when he climbed down the look, carefully down from the platform together with me.

The children are doing little game, sleeping, some in collect some clean green bamboo leaves, a word each dry matter, each other, just like the old man in the village, are always afraid of get something bad, so that the village is always so quiet, quiet.

I heard him say hello to all the people around to, tell them to go home, all followed him all the time.

This time, I didn't pull the dragging folds of his, because I don't think he is stronger than I go, but he took me by the hand, and smiled at me, with you go under the direction of the.

He's like an adult, send all smaller than his children to go home, then send me.

It is a little dark at that time, I want to sleep a little, in a daze, I heard him say: "to smile more in the future."

In the home, grandma's look some panic, she put me on his back, blame a few words to him, say how so late to send me back, he said sorry sorry, forgive and then left.

That night, I sat on the bench, grandma in the side to wash dishes, I suddenly remembered before he told me my girl, has picked up the corners of the mouth unconsciously, feel a little stiff, and then I heard the voice of broken bowl, looks up to see grandma are to pick up the pieces on the ground, I unknown, oneself went to brush my teeth.

To sleep, I how also can not sleep lying on the bed, stared at the ceiling of the black eyes open, I don't know how long, I hear my grandma whispered to grandpa said: "you see, the child just laugh how scary." ......

The next day, I didn't speak, also can saying is I haven't much talking, sitting all day in bed, thinking about my grandma last night, thinking he didn't come to me to play today.

Finally, I still didn't endure, asked grandma: "elder brother yesterday?"

Grandma seems paused, then said to me: "the elder brother is a foreigner, just to play yesterday, today and went away."

After I listened to the zheng, slowly move the steps back to his own bed, was crying in a low voice, but my voice is very light, light even soon be hide myself in the past.

After a few days, I still so, occasionally go over to the rock to sit alone for a while, but can't climb up anymore --

Unknowingly turns out to be asleep, wake up bamboo still in your hands, gently put it on his lips, but can't blow out the tune that was slow and light.

Early autumn, leaves the sound wave; Young, you still smile. Now, bamboo has a few new; Where did you go?. Remember - end

【99作文网 www.99zuowen.com】


XiBiYun is one of the listed company's youngest President. A pair of beautiful eyes, women wearing green clothing, although the President is having a baby face, if put on students is also very fit, because she is only 24 years old, and looks exactly like a high school student, youth beautiful beautiful, youthful vitality is another name for her. Company a lot of excellent highly educated staff are running with the youngest President of the most beautiful in our city to, of course, talent, company nature is thriving, heyday. She also fell a leisure and carefree to nothing went to the riverside fishing, sometimes I go back to the foreign travel, marriage very moist.

Sorry to her most is her parents died early, leaving her alone, she now abundant life has no one to share with her. She felt that zhao benshan said one of the most painful thing in life is not dead didn't spend the money is wrong, but people live, also have money, is no one to share with her, she doesn't want to filial object. So she turned his attention to the charity, she is not only to help the poor in terms of money, also pains to tell everyone: poverty is not something we can ask for the reason that each of you can through their own efforts to get rid of poverty, achievement of self. XiBiYun idea: I would rather give you venture fund to give you a bite of rice.

People who want to know the progress, dignity is at the very least, the backbone of the poor than the rich, morale even stronger than the rich. From the spiritual level, the potential of the poor than the rich. So, philanthropy is not only money, that is meaningless if only a poor, giving it to them. Is think like this, she is some god, just like most of the city now bowed their heads and family, she is because thinking charity things haven't to pay attention to this aspect of the appeared in front of a hurried sports car, towards her like a straight to her to general, brake, always quick she didn't come and react already poured in the blood. Although she is a successful young President, was a philanthropist, but society is cruel, the man at the top of the society must be a thief in the eyes of a meat meal, she is so pure and so good, after all is so many poor people's life in the end is ignored.

"Come, come! Here a man was hit by a car, the driver run away, everybody come and help." Aunt has a panic fear of round eyes wide, big big drops of sweat on his forehead to drop to the ground, even not hands trembling, his eyes blurred, is clearly not seen so naked the crash. "What? Actually happen in broad daylight." "yes, the girl is too poor." "People don't comment in succession, hurry to call an ambulance." a wears glasses degree should look a bit see around, suddenly exclaimed yan. "Yeah, but I'm afraid the girl is not saved." "who knows? At least need to give her to the hospital let the doctor to diagnose!" "But, if this girl if orphans that'll be up shit creek, to the hospital unclaimed, may be dead broke." "Yeah, I heard that the hospital can this organ of the missing, if cure a rich advocate ah ~ don't know how get everything?" "yes, when the time comes, as it happens with young girl organs fresh." "That is also too don't respect people, although it is dead... '" to go to, don't say, you are not I don't know, don't say is a dead, is living may also have to be' PaiHua alive organ be dig? "" the ambulance is coming, we also go, stay more unlucky ah ~ you go ah. "

"Didi didi ~" XiBiYun so young life was hanging by a thread by the ambulance ride, no one she worries, no artificial her sad, only a day, only cloud know her better but so unfortunately, yes, her death may not come out, but heaven and earth can jian, will her soul rest in peace, because lonely she finally can see parents at a young age, she doesn't think she eats so many years of bitter struggle of career, because she had once accidentally out of curiosity and fun psychological follow trends like where the wills of insurance:

Although if I was only 24 years old, when young, but I am a insecure humble orphan, follow the trend, I made a wills in advance. I have hundreds of millions of property, but not a cent come easily blow, but by his own efforts and wisdom from small spell. But I don't feel like a useful handmaiden, enjoy the retired life, life is suffering. So I decided if I died, after the death of all the property donated to charity, if I get married in the future, have a baby, will not give to him, but let him struggle! Is undeserving rich second generation, I don't need to leave the property to him, I believe that my offspring and I the same idea, he won't blame me.

Such a girl has such a wise idea is indeed very difficult, all say good people have good lives, XiBiYun why life miserable, die bizarre, what god was still?

Colleagues in the company have discovered "heard XiBiYun seats? President if misfortune was hit by a car." "Rightness rightness, heard that is very bad." "Yes, and he died at a young age." "That you say is not attempted murder?" "Yes, how can someone in a car accident? Seats, not so not prudent man?" "Sure, I think is envy envy hate President young beauty wisdom of money, so look at uncomfortable will only according to this." "Is not without that possibility, but this man is very cruel. Also for beauty also go under the hand?" A prick silk anthomaniac said with a pair of glasses. Like XiBiYun beautiful girl called mat is commonly, she and her mother have than ever, a pair of the beautiful eyes of pan with a little sad, good-looking but not a smile face, white face slightly thin. Than her mother, she took a little cold and strong, but there are few happiness. Tossing and turning her, she often since father told her story so quietly staring blankly.

Mother, you don't know, how much I miss you. You and I really regret not Joseph. Father loves you, he doesn't want to delay your studies, do not want to delay your future, though you gave birth to me but I do not know I exist! Father know you without father, without mother, life poor, but he see you since the first hopelessly in love with you. Father is not rich the second generation, but home is solid. For student body President of hot pursuit tall handsome, you also cannot extricate oneself fall in love with my father. You love to break up but a year's time. For a party you don't be drunk, father also drink many, you would fall in love, drink and sex. Then you had me didn't know it, is found his father, but he didn't say. Happened to you I do not know under what is actually in a coma, you know how much his father worried about you? He day and night in your bed to take care of you, don't eat not to drink, finally fell ill. You are a confused girl, pregnant but I didn't find it at all. Body is empty, you should fully was in a coma for more than four months before I produce. Father didn't want to let you have a burden, you're a merit student, my father didn't want to let you back to unmarried mothers "crime". So my father dropped out single-minded raising I grow up. I'm babbling shows the characteristics of intelligent than other children, when have problems and ideas. "(dad) in vain, in vain (dad), why didn't float mommy?" Mat fluttering red doodle mouth pursed discontentedly pointed to the neighbor's holding small lei's mother. "This, this......" "In vain, in vain, why don't you say?" Just speak not is actually amazing speak clearly. "How do you say this...? What is your mother busy business, so you don't understand," gone with the wind dad wiped sweat, said. "It's okay, wave will go find mommy."

But to the wind in your career, father of inferiority, he didn't finish college, for me. He is a man after all, how not bashful so embarrassed with me to who? Besides, he doesn't know if you have a boyfriend if you forget him. Father had been a major player in the school, student body President, tall, handsome, is will take his first scholarship. Father's love of learning, a strong sense of responsibility, parents in high expectations for him. But he wholeheartedly for the sake of you, out of school, the future, by his parents as unfilial. He had had for so many years hard work carefully take care of me, he is my father, and my mother. I really feel unworthy as his father.

For the first time that day, father regardless of the dignity of a man crying, he said you and a rich second generation to appear in the tabloid newspaper, you over the past few years more mature beauty, handsome many gold, the man is so of, you is a match made in heaven. Father didn't know that actually just gossip journalist make, XiBiYun such person who doesn't want to cash through her gossip?

His father decided to with you and I who, only to hear you have a car accident died unexpectedly. Father stunned the whole three days, a words also would not say more, I have been sad shout: "green cloud, why don't you come to me? Why did you leave our father, why are you so cruel? You don't even know the existence of your daughter. Haven't seen gone with the wind. How can you give up and go? Are you still so young, so beautiful, so success..."

【99作文网 www.99zuowen.com】



Journal entry

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Singapore travel 4000 - word composition

The 2013-07-22 [source: online submission author: Chen lotus green "I want to contribute"

Travel 4000 Singapore] [tags: composition

In the early to Singapore

Under clear sky, above the clouds quietly at this time we are looking forward to the eight days of journey, and has a "garden city" Singapore can offer me what different surprise?

Singapore airport is divided into two floors up and down, with a light scent in the air, a vibrant jungle exhausted heart slowly relaxed, one by one when we arrive at the coastal resort is fast asleep at two o 'clock in the morning. The sun hung high, the sound like the coo of waves with the wind, slowly blowing, send out the breath of a smile. Visit the merlion park, the feelings of curiosity with the merlion, as the name implies, is a stone lion, is shishi, lifelike. , the warm sun made on everyone's face, has left its mark on me, came to the natural fountain, clear water sparkling, cool water vapor with filar silk cool idea as the fountain, people enjoy playing in the water, is already can't distinguish the sweat or water droplets on the cheek is red, of course. After a simple lunch, we went to the school of "new media" began "journalists", came to the city to see a host - dong teacher, she told us that the host need good eloquence and good image, first of all, to know yourself, to conquer yourself, because sitting in front of many people the confidence of chair is not an easy thing, but at the same time, the teacher's PPT, also conveys the host need to use a heart of reason, the processing of emergency is to stay calm. After dinner, chat with dong teacher found this to be a responsible, gentle temperament type of beauty. On this day, the weather is hot but enrich, tired but happy, I think this is the day of harvest.

Learning to march

Today continue to small reporter course, warm words, sweet voice in the face of students timid, patience to teach, it serves to show the teacher's patience, dong today's course is to write a speech, it is composed of a case writing head, draft first and last word generally written by the host, need, to represent time, place, characters and account, and after the reporter to write, need to enrich, ing. This requires that anchors and reporters have good oral English, coping capacity. It need to test our usual language rigour. Afternoon, the course is to prepare the 13 video, a case study, a press release, an anchor, a reporter, a logistics, three people through the draw assigned to different tasks, open air echoed with the sound of our discussion, everyone is hard for to have a perfect speech, or frown, or thought, or laugh, or clap your hands, because of that, when close the sweat on his forehead, when the last word put pen to paper, when the last seconds away, we can meet the sunset announced: mission complete! Slowly toward the hotel's journey, look at that beautiful scenery, heart tired out, instead, heart filled with my heart was heavy but happy and clinking. Every profession has its difficulty and serious, when I can see professional personnel in an effort to fight and success, as in the society of success and failure, failure doesn't mean giving up, success does not mean pride, feet on the ground is the best, to win without pride excepting to deal with all kinds of setbacks. Life may not be smooth, only experience fall to grow.

Graduation is complete

We tried again and again modification, we hope to receive the opportunity to can be successful, we overcome the stress and tension from facing the camera, we finally grow up.

Rooms to students sit quietly and observe carefully, neat with tables and chairs, stage lights shining, regular arrangement of the personnel, imagine yourself on here now, can't say the mood of anxiety. After a long wait, when I stand in front of a camera forget word gentle voice in my ears tell "don't be nervous, take a deep breath, relax, believe you can do it." as if with a magic, a blank brain gradually emerge the content of the manuscript, although face calm speak fluent lines will forget, but it has got a timely reminder, 11 points at the end of the 18 seconds of photography, a kind of relaxation, a kind of pride, a sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously. Twinkling of an eye, two and a half days have passed, there are happy during this nervous seriously, mixed feelings. Just three teacher is very hard, and someone is injured in two and a half days, fever, and discipline, he (she) can in an orderly way to deal with, take care of and we also don't careless. The teacher is one of the world's most endowed with professional sense of responsibility, good or bad, I have to sincerely say thank you. Thanks to a lot of people in my life, and really help you and make you impressive is that a few. And we need to do is to use their own action to tell those who ever helped you, were not in vain to prove his help, I think this is enough. There was a man, without her, we would not have such a large growth; Without her, we would not have the courage to power; Without her, there is no video in the us this is dong teacher and that of two and a half days to get along with, let me realized that a host is the most important is a natural confidence, this is not just confidence, but also a kind of temperament, the largest in dong teacher, she stood there, with practical action to tell me, want to change, must be tried and fall, success, there is no free lunch is no unearned opportunity, therefore, struggle!

Relax when crazy

"Universal studios" here we can see also can play to the most fresh and interesting things. First project is the ancient Egyptian indoor roller coaster, enter indoor, dim the lights of the terror of music, form a dark atmosphere, hair, car open into the darkness of the orbit, the mummy was bright, deep voice over, the car immediately fast sliding forward, in the darkness of the rail car carrying our rapid operation, huge gap between feeling let us scream. It is interesting to note that in this space will have feelings, when fire burning thermal, impinges when landing, before this, never had. Here, the controller will encourage you, thumbs up to you, don't be nervous on message to you. Recruit success can bring warm applause, the root of the smile is warm. What have we done to air a roller coaster, I roll in the air, will open a line eyes narrowed, beautiful scenery and take in everything in a glance, trees have different rolling, strong pneumatic drill to the ear, the rotation of the naughty, jump, when landing down from a height, rapid stimulation to scream, I think, this is the most daring thing I ever did. Unconsciously, the sun has been gradually falling, the evening sunset, the wind of moderate face flushed, impatience also blow away the heart, calm heart unexpectedly accidentally heard many voices. Tourists frolicking sound, the sound of rustling leaves, have a roller coaster screams, visitors, the diffuse around a happy and harmonious atmosphere, at this moment, in all kinds of sound intersection, close your eyes and listen with your heart, the corners, inductive almost, this day no matter hard, regardless of the sun, no matter wait for, after all is happy, as long as happy, the day is not in vain.

Communication is to watch

The importance of the travel destination - ShangYi, middle school, we go to first ShangYi middle school, indoor huge blackboard writing welcome ShouChun middle school teachers and students, because time too early, so we sit and rest, we careful teacher to drink hot water, hot water only lukewarm let us because of the air conditioning and cooling the body warm up, introduce yourself, we did not know that university students in Singapore is not much, can get in university is less and less. So Singapore graduated college students have a lot of salary, and part of each year there are good students can get the government to give a full scholarship. This part can go to harvard or Cambridge to continue learning, there is no doubt that this is a fair competition of the city. From family, from rich, as long as there is strength will be picked up by the government, elected a full scholarship, of course grades to achieve the requirements of the government, therefore, be people is undoubtedly the best are chosen. Later, to the best high school - the middle school, there are many good students in this middle school, guide Chen says "on the people of this school, it will directly in high school", we choose the English class, is welcomed by a lot, there are people from all over the world, looking at him (her) the kind of face, nervous mood relaxed, this is all English lesson, to be honest, I only understand, really shame, I eureka gap is so big, through introducing the flank classmate just just a little understand, really is not a class. I can only say that Chinese people listen to foreigners English lesson like China's math class, so can't say there is a big difference, but it is fair to say, to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses. Left standing, we went to the botanical garden. Visit because of the weather, can shorten the time, but the other us an eye-opener, enter the orchid garden, has a colorful big green orchids, not greasy but also is very novel, but not mixed and disorderly is refined, new decorate, don't let a person shine at the moment, are now under a light rain, add dim for this pieces of fresh orchids, covered with a layer of mysterious veil, different pieces of orchid aroma, in the small room airtime, look at these flowers, I do not consciously laugh up, lovely orchid makes me a good mood at the end of the journey, in the rain in Singapore with a soft, cool and aromas with a hint of grass, is very pure and fresh. From communication to realize the importance of English, from the view of see Singapore as a garden city capital, knowledge from the school to belong to an independent state.

When shopping consumption

New waterworks in Singapore have turn sewage into clean water technology, this technology make Singapore a steady stream of water resources, it is this, Singapore, water is very sufficient. And we are going to visit is the process, I have seen the summed up five words "filter again", from big to small, the technology is needed is a diaphragm, small diaphragm away dirt away bacteria, finally only water, new water has become the world's top technology, has been recognized by the United States. Of simple meal, came to a tax-free shop, make a person dazzling range of goods, but because of the price, came to the video store, strong music let me awake, came to the clothes shop, looking at expensive clothes, silent sigh, we are poor, can not afford to also can't afford to injury, while we from the brand to delicate small gifts, one good and inexpensive, let a person was, clocks and watches, necklace, pendant, golden, let a person cannot help all income bursa. Today is the second day, suddenly look back, it turns out that we have been through a lot, learn together, together, eat together, live together, I can remember all those things of the past, it may be not happy, have a homesick, but does not seem to power off, play happy not false, not false, you eat it all in remind me, originally we had seven days together, but is not over yet, so must not regret at the end of the day. When the tired heart occupied atrium, when the sunset over the sky, when set the whistle rang of ear side I didn't like the day has gone.

When the water back

For the first time we set foot on the land, fresh feeling with us, instead of just now is to meet, attachment. Young we loved to play, noisy but it does not represent love, respectively, for all good reception, we can only say treasure, see you soon.

Nanyang technological university in Singapore, one of the three universities in the Chinese museum exhibition of Chinese in Singapore's struggle of course, still photographs represent the progress of time and time again, from look down upon to be respected, gave a lot among this touching these photos as if can touch those characters. Each picture has a story behind, how much blood that history, we don't know, old pictures tell us the history of the pioneers of blood, to the future generations on the efforts of the Chinese people, on the traces of ancient, with their struggle, loss, sacrifice life, was bullied by the enemy, all this can happen, and through them, leaving these precious moments, sparkling, proving to the world: the Chinese, well done! Birds in the park, the scorching sun on the green leaves, vibrant, a green world, all kinds of birds to our dazzling, bright parrot, red bird of paradise, like dark owl, and cute penguins, look at the birds of small and exquisite, very heart affection, but also feel sorry for them, these animals in the park, even freedom all have no, young they watched birds flying over the sky of freedom, and they can only accept the baptism of the flash. Yes, they do not want to eat and to drink, don't worry about the weather, they lost the ability to survive, like her birth, tender and delicate, ask, this life is lucky or unlucky for them? Afternoon come to sentosa, glimmering pearls white clouds, surging waves lap the beach, the sun is setting, moderate sunlight oblique ocean 90 degrees, reflect a little golden light, and the scene is very harmonious, warm, we came to the beach water, cool water to hot us some cool and refreshing, we are playing by the ocean water to each other. As we jump heart, down to the depths of the ocean blue sky are echoed with the laughter of the young, we reflected on the surface, engraved in my heart. To get wet, the bubble in the water, the waves flapping in the body, will we rushed back to shore, noise, noise, sucking sound, as of now mood, mixed feelings. Night there are eight special music fountain, the first is a group of people, he (she) people walk while sing, youth breathed, over time, the music sounded, huge dance to music of the fountain, with water mist form animation character, octopus elder sister, octopus and beautiful woman all, music is presented to us is elegantly with water to form a beautiful picture scroll, there formed a drop of water fountain as life in general is shocking. Water and fire perfectly blend together, dazzling special effects, eye-popper in just half an hour, let me see Singapore's advanced science and technology, dancing again and again, again and again, let a person get drunk in this unique fountain feast, until. As the evening, eight days tour is coming to an end, sitting on the plane, looked under the city again, smile, silent sigh, good-bye, and Singapore!【99作文网 www.99zuowen.com】

Journey of the past (summary)

Look back, you'll find just eight days harvest is rich, to know that this is a discipline of state, to know that it is a country fair, realized that this is a beautiful and clean country; Just eight days, realize the vast gap of abroad and domestic, that belonged to the developed countries, to learn how much confidence is important, there is no denying the fact this is a good country, it has a proud of science and technology, environment and international status, it has a unity of the people, it has a positive attitude towards life, it have enough capital pride, this is a worth learning, respect for the country.

Today is the coldest day since the winter of wuxi, has been under the snow in the morning, I am tired on trunk behind him, leaving behind the melting snow water soak a thin sweater, did not feel how cold it was. Falling snow days, someone is going to travel! Nearby, a pair of lovers are on wedding photos, photographic assistant hands neat for the bride pulled skirt horn, grinning, on the one side after the groom ambiguous smile: "the gentleman please kiss your bride, remember must deep lasting oh."

JiChen raised her finger and clear hand brushed the snow on the mouth kiss xiu, eyes, cold, lip Angle rigid closed together, pick a dyed hair tip slightly golden constantly snow falls in the above made him around with a breath of cold air.

When I return to absolute being seen images of beautiful let I shed tears, I love for three years, the promised to give me a pure white wedding gentle kiss on one side of the person is eyeful painted with delicate bride makeup in long long white yarn woman. I love such as the man of life going to be married, but the bride not me, since then, with him with songs, with him to drink, with his bald man never is me again. Is probably see aside to song is really bear, cold JiChen smiling off body suit firmly to put on, one to song and shy smile, delicate face more charming.

Look at two people hug to each other and the distance the snow, I always raise numb legs back. JiChen, why do you laugh so happy, but I no longer felt the warm? JiChen, why the snow stopped, I cold is still the same? JiChen, maybe I don't like the flowering season, so only buried all affection and best wishes in the ice and snow, only the secret buried in the bottom of my heart.

"Nostalgia" bar, in the air with the smell of alcohol, tobacco, and youth hormones, so big space in the ring in eason chan "pompous", all kinds of men and women on the dance floor with hysterical song waist torsion pendulum buttock, a luxury destruction of sight. I sat in the corner of the bar, changing flickering lights make me a blurred, one side of the bartender gently swinging the body, is extremely fast and elegant modulate a BloodyMary on my hand, I lay end up drinking a mouthful, immediately, suantiankula four flavor with the chest, the in the mind empty.

When I came out of the "nostalgia" well acquainted already 1:00 a.m., take out a cellular phone, sure enough the monitor screen of a miserly did not show a phone did not answer the phone. I frowned, not hesitate to press the shutdown button with his cell phone to bag a chuai, stepping a dozen centimeters high heels marched toward home, heels clicking clicking sounds appear abrupt and strange in the empty street, I laugh at myself wanted to think of the plot of the novel series, beautiful not square thing tying to walk alone in the empty street, and then suddenly appeared a few plunder wealth of color ACTS prodigal, at this time there will be a handsome the same slag men out to rescue. Sure enough, go to the corner have two shadow blocked my way, I have a deep breath, impatiently looked up to the front of two people, is a crow mouth secretly call myself.

"Beauty, will come to, big night, accompany our brothers son to drink two cups of bai." "Said the light pick hold my hand. See I didn't speak, underscoring the leaned in another face is red, I open my hands will give the man a slap backhand. Two leng for a reaction to come over. "he niang of, bitch, what gets put pure, Lao tze to die you!"

Then fists and slap for my hands curled up body cover head motionless. One dozen tired also seems not Japanese, grabbed my long hair to drive hard hard to head crashed to the cement floor, dull heavy pain to the scalp, the left temple tingling numb all the senses. At the moment, I clearly hear the sound of the heavy fall on the ground behind, then someone cry ran away. Time seems to stand still, forehead outflow of blood flowing down to blur the eyes. Then a side people knelt down and warm hand grabbed my arm to help me. "Are you okay, don't I take you to the hospital!" This is the first time I met JiChen, 19-year-old JiChen has a handsome to want to emit light almost permanent face, slightly thin body is extremely high. Good half-day I return to absolute being, with sleeves wiped out the blood, "thank you, don't have to, my name is summer, and you?"

He looked at me hesitate bloodstained face of his thin light qi: "my name is JiChen." Clean soft voice.

"Well, I remember you, thank you for let me be a princess." Say that finish I leave the blank faces JiChen limped away.

The dark of night devouring the light and the green of the tree is the boy standing under the tree, the wind that blows only between trees, gently slowly wandering in the streets, wandering in the young heart.

A large BBS has recently been each one thing. I am a student of bad grades: hey did you hear that? "good student" of our school JiChen seem in fooling around with people in the society.

base see you again, it seems, that day I saw him with a small too sister left side by side

Attractive woman: this is jealous of you parents handsome and scholarship every time period period test first! My season less all of you are not allowed to take with me.

Private detective: cut to my mrs.vidian in-depth survey, nearly a month does have one wore strange, painted with thick makeup, with long, curly hair perm of small too sister outside the school gate, with smoke and in the end is always a person lonely to leave. Results the day before yesterday JiChen a school to go with her. Oddly enough, the next day the woman is in a pair, and totally changed before, a face not take debauchery, long straight hair hang freely, behind a small child, whole person looks weak dependent. Morning and she definitely not out-of-season relationship. All the female tears... The man regrets... All in all, all don't look good.

In the summer of enron:

Feel like old friends in this world, I've always believed in love at first sight this word. Like I'm JiChen, two unrelated people, i.e., it is the people of the two character is very different, it is two people in different environment, but it is tightly bound together. So I possessed a wait outside the school in his every day, regardless the people around pointing fingers, although every time I am disagree with shook his head, he saw the eyes floating above the concerns. Silent but I turn a blind eye to the air to the mouth: "follow me," then he can only helpless shook his head at me to leave. Looking at his receding figure, I laugh like a child without sugar, bright and beautiful and sad.

Finally in the 27th day after one evening, he bathed in sunlight coming towards me, didn't speak, just extremely familiar cut my hair, I have taken hold him, "follow me" in the hazy sky at dusk, the smile on his face was covered with a layer of soft light. "Enron, do back to yourself, next time, I go with you!" He said: "enron, be yourself!" I put his hand over his throbbing heart, gently spit out a word "good".

With the fastest time to straighten hair, home to throw out all the cosmetics as well as high heels, looking at ordinary young himself in the mirror, so many years since the first time I smiled gently shallow. Later, I told him: "I'm a bad girl, even though I was eighteen." He love dearly stroked my head and said: "it doesn't matter, I don't care, you don't is fit to be a bad girl."

I said: "my dad don't hurt her mother love, drinking smoking dropping out of school at age 15."

He said; "It doesn't matter, you and me." I said; "I have no ability, no education." He said: "it doesn't matter, I have you in the future." The future so long, I tightly clutching his love to don't want to let go, I don't know what my future looks like. But always look forward to the future and JiChen together.

Song to find me, I was sunk the dishes in the sink. "Summer enron, you bitch!" Then "pa" 1 a loud slap on my face. Maybe I should have thought of, such as he scenery and wonderful as he, the love is such as beautiful as a fairy. No, said the former girlfriend, perhaps. It is afternoon, sunny warm spring. To songs were red and swollen eyes, quivering body to hold back, no matter how she is surprisingly mild Ruth, took good care of his season briefings to break up with her, and the object or a so and so mediocre girls. I held my breath, with one side of the dishcloth wiped her hands. Although have not, but I still did not reply. Because JiChen so sad to me once said that "enron, if my girlfriend before I came to see you, you don't want to embarrass her, she and I noancient, sweetheart, I was indebted to her after all." And I, just the orphans of the city, to steal a person's happiness should belong to her, in the face of the front with song how can I feel at ease. "How, have nothing to say, I tell you, you and JiChen is impossible together, his parents have me the daughter-in-law, especially at a time." Write in to look around the song, big eyes full of disdain, frivolous the corners of the mouth is abnormal. At this point in my pocket is familiar with the bell rang, I moved in the water bubble have white hands, take out a cellular phone, hesitated, in the song under the gaze of press the answer button: "enron, you are quick to go off work, I haven't eat, lovers in their restaurant, just have classes in the afternoon we go out to play, waiting for you." No time to reply to song grabbed the sink bowl and water with detergent foam over to me. Beeping through the phone busy tone, I pulled tight clothes, runs away watching to song, feel whole body cold.

In fact, I don't lack of money, I just lonely. If I ask my mother for money, she must promptly call me at the card in a year is enough for my living expenses, but, I don't want to want money to her, since she left my father married another others. The same I don't want to see my father again, since he left my mother marry her person. Reference to a person's words, I was secretly sick child, at the heart of the city alone licking ulcerated wounds, unaccompanied, no one CARES about, left to its own devices.

Washing a bowl of finally, heavy sigh, I'm in the hotel under the boss suspicious eyes straight to couples restaurant. Go there JiChen has been sitting in the window play mobile phone in the corner of the restaurant, the lateral face white and soft, but I was stopped, can not open. Maybe pose a bit uncomfortable, JiChen straight up into a chair behind him by the by, lift eye saw saddam stood not far from the enron. Four eyes relative, I return to absolute mockery JiChen CanRanYiXiao, opposite the JiChen open mouth cape waved a sign for me in the past. Looking at such JiChen mood suddenly relaxed a lot of, go there on the table placed neatly has good milk and black forest cake. Just sit down, and across the JiChen came with a sweep to me to explore means. "Enron, you go to the restaurant wash the dishes washed her hair be!" I helplessly say with smile: "it isn't shampoo in order to save money!" Every time seems to be the most stretched all let JiChen saw, think of touching mingyan with song, think of youthful JiChen, the in the mind a piece of wet collapse down.

Paid the money, JiChen holding my hand out of the restaurant, not fast not slow pull me through a and a street, walk into a JiChen suddenly stopped in front of the wedding dress store, I don't watch out for slammed into his strong strength on the back. Enron, "he said, you wait for me, you when I graduated from college, I make you a pure white wedding." But I really forgot to speak, the acidity of the tip, silent tears drop on the ground. JiChen return overdo to see me, see me in tears, take out clothes pocket paper towel wipe tears for me heart way: "silly girl, how so easy to move, I carry you." Say that finish crouched down, I smile through tears lay up. Enron: "heavy not heavy?" JiChen: "not the" enron, "really not heavy?" JiChen: "how can the whole world is on my back is not heavy, enron, you believe me, I can't give you the world, but I can give you all around the world", perhaps only so many years since I heard the most touching a word, along the way, pass by muddy, pass by the wind, thank god let me met JiChen.

Three years JiChen and I walked past all the streets of the city, I still after ten years like one day daily waiting outside the school gate. The boy I loved, god always care for him, the more outstanding appearance, always at the top of results in A great many talented students of its own. Have been circulating for three years in A big BBS A myth, A myth about JiChen and Cinderella summer safely. My JiChen, he is not afraid of other people's peculiar eye, will carry me in the middle of the most lively and bustling city square, will pull on a rainy day I running in the rain, Shouting "summer safely, I love you!" He said he would give me peace and joy in his life I enron, I I joys yan. So, I never want to lose JiChen, have never thought about it.

Starting from understanding JiChen, I was in a novel web site registered a number, start the trip to my writing. Pen name: the rain in the summer of enron was not depend on how much, but I didn't think this novel suddenly by a great number of readers. Every day there are a large number of fans more, leave a message. Fans a says, "ah, why not write a end, we have to wait flowers are thanks." Here is a piece of harmony. Sitting in front of a computer, I meet smile, I just put my love and JiChen experience characterized in the form of novel, life goes on, and I JiChen haven't go to the best outcome, how could write out the most beautiful and good ending.

In my 21 years, short in the abandoned by different people to give up. Including parents, teachers, relatives, friends. I had thought I lost everything in the 21 years, have never thought will lose him, I gingerly luxuriant disguised themselves set in all models all fetters, but only in order to get approval is no longer being abandoned, just didn't know, I this life only to give up something I gave up all my love and warmth.

The night as the thick ink,... deep not turn yellow, under the street lamp of JiChen lived close your eyes and gently kiss me, with the characteristic in summer gardenia fragrance, let me have a moment of destruction. If and only if, if you open your eyes at this time, the girl's eyes you will see your eyes deep tears and pain! I a push away JiChen, strength is a little surprising, makes JiChen foothold reluctantly had to step back ward first. I said: "JiChen, we break up;" Opposite JiChen instantaneous leng in situ "are you kidding me!" Eyes dug, grit your teeth and don't let my tears fall down: "I tell you the truth, I've had enough of you, tired of you, you ***ing don't understand?" JiChen incredible looked at asked me, eyes injured beyond words: "enron, do you have problems? Are you afraid of you will drag me won't you? Don't worry, I have been a company last month to pay hire, I today send salary to jewelry store send you engagement ring is chosen, you see." I could no longer forbear, tears big star to fall, a throw took his hand ring out into the side of the rose bushes. Refuse awe-inspiring eyes staring at the JiChen said: "it's no use, we break up, I have a new boyfriend, he is richer than you." JiChen carefully look at me, eyes glance and sad, seems there will be tears surges up at any time, the white face now is no color. My dear JiChen, still loathe to give up after I was so hurt his bold scold me, still won't abandon me. Night is cool, aside JiChen still again and again through the rose vines for the ring was I lost relentlessly. But JiChen, some things lost will never find don't come back.

A big BBS after quiet n long, suddenly come up to A message and explosive: A great man of the Cinderella and JiChen summer break up safely, and engagement and former girlfriend with song.

Turn off the computer, I finally could not help but burst into tears, I think, I will not again so desperate cry in my life. Because in this world there is only a JiChen would it be possible for me to tears on a sunny afternoon. And he no longer belongs to me.

When can I try to walk the walk smoothly I secretly run out of the house went to the garden, fragrant snow that day is probably the coldest day since the winter of wuxi, I one step a footprint walk carefully in the snow, unwilling to follow the front of a group of pictures. Walk it later on behind a tree to rest, looking at the distance on wedding photos lover into sweet memories, but the reality is fuzzy and sadness. This world is no fairy tale, Cinderella fairy tale ending is always the prince and the princess together. JiChen, to the song, I wish you happiness.

Live in hospital has been almost a year and a winter came. Recently the body more easily tired, already can't speak fluently, the feeling of eating more difficult, even drink soup is often chokes, and tried hard as it could not walk again. Lying in bed, looked at the snow outside the window of the world I was reminded of my haven't write the ending of the novel. So I prevaricated um um... hand strokes along while, my parents didn't understood has ran out of the room, both has a pause in the air did not put down, looking at her slender fingers in strange posture twisted together, sad to shed tears. Some people say that pretending to be dead when I was grieving, so nothing can hurt you, but now I have no idea to think about whether I would maelstrom, because the disease eventually chose me. When parents came back more than a laptop in hand. only thirty seconds before novel page will be opened this time was spent ten minutes, I bite the bullet and hard zheng big eyes to see the words on the screen. Finally with a quivering hand stumbles on a typesetting: "Cinderella without a fairy tale." This is probably the end.

The life the last a period of time, my parents went back to my side, waking up I countless times in the dark and countless times, I can feel them with tears hang on to my hand and don't want to let go of the attachment. Was supposed to maintain proper appearance in hospital for countless way critically ill notice instantly after the old. At that moment, I suddenly don't hate.

JiChen, I know, I can wait for flowers of the season. I don't know which day I accidentally went to another time and space, but perhaps, in that time we are together. JiChen, on the day I learned that he got cerebellar degeneration disease of the spinal cord, I saw a cat sitting in the middle of the road, no sound of hanging between his legs, blood from the cat head to the road, has long been dead long. JiChen, in fact, I was afraid, I'm afraid I will die in such desperate posture are silent. But I have to bury the secret for you. JiChen, I can't give you the future, have to let me say goodbye. All say pain but one hundred - day long, you will in the future of progeny. You will forget the girl was late at night to write a book for you.

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I know you like others so call you, especially the person you love; You say this kind of feeling is very warm, like in the leisure afternoon, languid is lazy to enjoy an afternoon of sky, freely, very beautiful.

You must be curious about me, because you are so sensitive and surprise, like a baby boomer, the unknown has the perseverance and tenacity of explore desire; Because to have such a desire, to let you become more fat, you is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the everything around you are interested in; You say I think, therefore I am. You start this sentence is not very understand, what do you think of the people seldom may have a more happy, so, you are always heartless, according to their own subjective consciousness, capricious, stubborn, arbitrary, or even a wrong-headed. I do not know when you suddenly understand a truth, that a man happy, also want to consider whether others happiness, also put their own happiness based on others' pain, very carefree, is disgraceful. So, you try to reflection, introspection, you learn the thinking and thinking; So you see, happiness is being needed. If you are in any one's eyes is superfluous, and dispensable, so, you're the outcast of happiness.

Girl, you are confident, this is my joy. Is your most used to say: "I was luckily, lost my life!" Would you even this sentence as essential oils, optional daub, to, of course, sometimes self-deception, is this your Q spirit, is also your lovely place. Lovely to let a person cannot bear to damage, but someone will always take advantage of your goodness. It's not your fault, not blame you, but you always remorse. Because, you are a pursuit of the perfect person, but you don't know if it is perfect for others, may be a yellowing old clothes, do not have any value, and you are a treasure, I cherish, for fear that someone will destroy, so you always wary, alert to the danger. Wench, pursuit of perfection is desirable, but the precious things again, if you have it pushes you to breathe, should also be willing to put down. Do you know, there is a word called - in spite of his flaws. Really appreciate you, love you, cherish you, will see you as a piece of jade, carve your, let your real perfect; And so a lot of people, and always on your side, just you have not been found, it is your fault.

Girl, you are really lazy, you lazy can do nothing, just silently looking at one time the passage of an afternoon, and the afternoon you just staring blankly. For some people, you said that an inch of time an inch of gold, and for you, lazy afternoon, is also the daughter doesn't buy. That afternoon, you to see the sweat on the windowsill of vitality in the sun, hear the wind gently singing march, and then from your cheek and see the sun slowly away from the surface of the table, until back to below the horizon. So you open your arms to hug the dark night, waiting for the dawn, to greet the morning the first ray of sunshine, the old and the new replacement is so naturally; So, you don't care you this time is in the relentlessly leave a mark on his face. You never use any makeup to cover up; You said the best cosmetics also could not draw pure, best beauty technology, also able to withstand the time footsteps, why not let nature take its course. You just too lazy to at least half an hour every day, MiaoMeiHuaYan. Too lazy to spend a few hours of time, beauty parlor, listen to miss the fool. You said the best maintain article is mood optimistic, that always when you are sad, it is a good hairdresser doesn't go off on her forehead that several natural folds. And canthus and corners of the mouth laugh, that is happy in a man's gift, this is how you think, any heart.

Girl, you has a fatal flaw, couldn't disguise my anger is impatient and xi, also very paranoid. That stuff, you will grasp insisted, who all don't pull back. Do you prefer to use the first impression to see a stranger, more easily swayed by their own subjective consciousness; One people, one thing at a time, and immediately began to form in your mind, the first reflection, and so tend to be set, want to change, and it is often difficult to. So you often judge a book by its cover, what do you think of the mind, a person's goodness will be shown in their facial features. And a person's life habit, will from a person's words and deeds, reflected in the dress. So, with a strong smell of perfume, clothing is inappropriate, and the other woman, will never become the target that you take a reason, you believe them is vulgar. The same a slovenly and foul-mouthed, or a man of many words, never not you take a reason. You hate all the things that do not meet the requirements of your aesthetic, is so deeply, and this kind of hate you won't go to deliberately hidden, but freely to show. Girl, you know? A lot of things in fact, there are always two sides to everything, and one side is you can't see, and everyone is like a book, will know when I read the content inside is empty or heavy, and often that delicate cover to hide its inherent shortage. All that glitters is not gold is such a mean.

Girl, you always say not letter, and vain; You said no longer heated comments, you said that you no longer spend too much time on the Internet, you've done too much similar, but has never been true to you. You spend too much idea to run your beautiful mood, you forget the real life there are many worthy of yourself to cherish and care about people and things. You always selfish to find all sorts of excuse, trying to find a reasonable excuse for oneself, let oneself do measures; This is the place where you most conflicts, between the real and virtual, which is the most important thing you can't measure, you too real to separates and virtual reality, what do you think of all the people who appeared in his own world, is the supreme good to beauty, you only use sincere sincere; Real responsibility was already let you out of breath, you also overreached to bear the responsibility of the virtual world. So you put all the love and anger about the world, is expressed in words, and this performance will surely bring you a satisfaction and pleasure, those in the real world cannot pour out and elicits, rushed to pour in space, you see this person up gradually, in a piece of cheers, you are very enjoy that the satisfaction of being admired, while the content is actually a kind of vanity. This once vanity is easy to get rich quick, a vain woman is boring, the same that holding the vanity and piled out of the article, is a failure no doubt; How to change, only the cool, with common heart to treat all of the joy and glory of, those are the people who love you for your encouragement, when high ideals, you do not feel good. Write the words that oneself like, don't shed.

Girl, you really don't understand and don't understand romantic amorous feelings, but you any holiday related to love, do you think that is a form of childish, boys and girls who only puppy love will love into form. So, when you are never on valentine's day gifts, you said too melodramatic. You said this is not a romantic holiday can reflect, on behalf of a flower is not the perfect love; So it is always my love deep, even if the love, is also to express; Always let a person misunderstanding, feel your true feelings. Like you like flowers, don't you go to spend with all kinds of temperament, thought to the water, they will be evergreen, beautiful fragrant flowers. Finally, those who you love, I don't understand love flowers, gradually withered, only a few plants still stubbornly alive. You know, some flowers and shade, and some take xi Yang, some flowers without too much moisture, some flowers is inseparable from the water. Love is like, different love need different ways of expression.【99作文网 www.99zuowen.com】

Girl, you really very heartless, you heartless to never look back a look from you was born with you I was like peas and carrots. As you are always in a hurry, you give all love to others, but ignore my existence; Do you know? Girl, it makes me really sad. This let me sad pined and withered; I am so deeply in love with you, you cry, I will shed tears, you smiled, I was happy, you were mad, I was angry, always happy your happiness, sadness, your sadness. And you never find me, even stood the most beautiful sunshine, is you let me back to the sun.

This is a building for long love letter, there has been no courage to say to you, is not afraid of rejection, but afraid of being you ignore, because I was so small, small to only you stopped, turned around, with the aid of the energy of the light, can be found, I see my appearance, I am your shadow, wench! Always for you, love you, but only the man who has been quietly followed you is I, cherish yourself, is love for me the best return. I like your bare feet wearing sneakers, reinforces the walk, the natural elegance of like you, and you forever confident smile!


Home after a day in the afternoon, I sat in the town square stands for a long time roaming call, microphone sound is open, surrounded by people. According to the man she's like me, ask me why after so long still wedded to the past not forget for a moment, I wanted to think, don't know how to answer her, I'm used to desperate to love a person, no matter how to all have no way to give up, but so speak, think where I went wrong. So I told her that yao said cheer up, put down, every time is always unconsciously think of the person who give warm, often and always smile intoxicated when see reality, think of the pain, then the feeling of cold can't warm up.

L city still continues the high temperature these days, in the evening from a friend's house to get out, is already at two o 'clock in the morning, take a taxi home along the 312 national road, the car suddenly fierce dance music, thought that is what hit the object, the taxi driver down to check the tires. From just this time I return to absolute being, in the condition of the surrounding is a highway toll station of the touch kind, has now been demolished recognition, can vaguely saw shang cities in the top of the city, the driver said, here is the ancient shang fief, later, riots, shang Yang was dismemberment put to death. Listen and not feel too sad, at most is some regret, was cut off because it is a long history, it is no too many feelings. Afraid of being seen numbness and discomfort from deep of my heart, my smile is echoed.

No one on the road, occasionally there will be a large vehicles carrying goods passing by, the intersection is next to the DMV, blue and white light box on the illuminate of policeofficer is straightforward, cold, like the end of the world, I whisper a word from the throat to, probably is, "I acutely I acutely," and so on, this time I realized that I was talking to himself, it's not as easy as popping up a "ah", but I myself a person take turns and drank the wine, a large group of people sitting in the corner vomit up, and then feckless while crying call yourself give up not to drop, inarticulate repeated back and forth on the phone "I miss you I miss you I miss you....". This is my fifth month after brokenhearted.


Nissan's movies when my girlfriend is a robot in 2011, just remember in the movie about Tokyo earthquake scene, said is the hero in the fall in the ground crack aperture, buried in the heavy buildings in female robot could struggle flesh off his body little by little, give up off his lower body and then the hero saved down. Don't know why I special to remember, I seem to have thought of this description is not in the irony I fragile love, let me blurred and decadent.

Lovelorn after I moved out from the school, lives in a small house near the school, has just moved in, the landlord let me half a year's rent in advance, I told him not necessarily live so long time, when he know that I am the local school student, a good let me a month's rent in advance and deposit of 100 yuan, can say to pay by the month. Small house on a household is a girl, the room is not my idea of a mess, clean a few is I the whole of the end, the ornamental on the wall are still exist, which is to a lot of things in our province, looks pretty sweet.

Have a friend coming to see me, he asked if I was confused and his girlfriend out cohabitation, my heart hurt, still with a smile on her face, girlfriend is help to arrange, casually mention it pretend don't care. At that time I don't want anyone to know the news that I have lost love, as if the heart has always been stubborn think just peace quarrel, some time will be ok, my love, I never want to lose.

Later I called DX, she is my best friend and I climbed to the top floor of the balcony, hysterical let her comfort me, I am sick to death, the tears have involuntarily shed came, she just don't know. Daily with DX 2, I don't have to keep what image, even scold each other feel very enjoyable.

At that time, had just begun to come into contact with the liquor, is absolutely not touch before, don't know how to feel wine spicy faded, finally can use plastic cups like drink plain boiled water to drink the wine. Erode, whole room is the smell of alcohol I wouldn't go out for a few days in a row, a person alone in the face of their sloppy appearance, again how cowardly and uneasiness, also is one of the things, also have no other people will see, everything becomes so feel at ease.


Outside is very busy, all kinds of snacks, every evening, small lanes on both sides of the road will be filled with all sorts of cart food, fruits, vegetables, and sometimes some strange things to sell, for example, in one we travel together in the inside lane when they see a street is full of with red line to wear jewelry, we bought a couple pendant, standing in the crowd, she gave me on the arm. But then lay in the place, never could be destroyed by the urban management, and we each other with pendant unwitting lost disappeared in the day to day. But fortunately, there is time, I hide in the room when hungry is necessity for dinner, just see for a long time before the door out of the visible in an Internet cafe, the more style, place into a pile of a pile of classified, or one yuan a, all sorts of people patiently squatted on the ground to pay, I saw at a glance what we bought before, just never and I together in pairs wear couple, no one will stand in the street in the center of the crowd, give me fine to wear on his arm.

Have had for a long time, I don't have the habit a person to face alone, in the face of small house empty, silent no vitality also like in the stream of people is passing quickly lost of despair. Sugar sugar can call me from time to time, with my chat will day, think I will better, but not completely, this kind of thing will only to remind me, how I fear and the outside world, the only exist because of the distance, I longed for is nothing but a living friend immediately appear in front of me, for ten minutes.

And then time, sugar sugar to her love specificity, under the initiative of boyfriend, cut off all the contact of the opposite sex. So, later, completely dark in the day, I and he took the key and change out of the door, aimless walk in the street near the school. May see in the booth can let my eyes a bright, and there is always surging crowd, everybody speak loudly. , think of the manager and I am most familiar with, each time you walk into would give I casual smile, French fries and hamburgers in the lettuce will never put more than others, but these things are according to the membership price settlement, it makes me appreciate it.

Like in this way, forget the initial difficulties felt by some life, gradually, became a, like their onlookers, live in.

Is unconsciously accustomed to a noodle shop called "king of hand side", not only taste delicious, the most main is can eat five dollars a bowl. Eat out almost isn't at school, in the past, because there is always see pull the car dirty oil drum, afraid to eat to use cooking oil to do something. Seems to be slowly don't care about these things now, think of long ago and take her out at night to eat the supermarket down the sichuan cuisine, spicy I kept drinking water, two people together in the same pattern hoodie, she reached into my pocket, and from behind why again why I eat these things, but it was already a person, it is the risk of large food after only two people can eat ah.


To go out to play, with DX an go to KTV to sing, I've always liked DX to sing, listen to some touches the bottom of my heart's song, let me think a lot of the past before, and his girlfriend together of the time, before we fun place everywhere in a together, go to the crowded bus, she gave in the last row of the two-seater. Sometimes I will be nervous said to DX, see, here I have been with his girlfriend do what matter, then jokingly pulled her situation. So the next day I resisted and others to go with my girlfriend before have been to place, always feel that no one can replace her position in my heart, maybe he is really settle, did not have the enthusiasm and motivation.

And therefore are not willing to go out in the whole semester, stay in a small house all day very boring, on the net, or somehow a daze for a long time, at most is to go out with your friends on Internet cafes near all night, in the morning when the plane to rest assured to buy a breakfast mushrooms silk apply and sweet porridge, and then returned to the small house a whole day's sleep dead in the past. So is said to be a little out of reason, there were mouldy taste, body and thus in thin silently, sometimes I will suddenly exclamatory sentence "I acutely, I how thin." And then continue to a person lonely stand in the position of the window, watching people downstairs, standing for a long time, until the break by ringtones occasionally remind of, a couple of times when you go out in the evening I see a school called macro industry city places with a dazzling light, and my girlfriend often come here to get to the Internet, before now but never went in of courage, I don't know why, sometimes I a person in a hurry to walk in the crowded street to negative layer of the vanguard bought lots of things to eat for a few days, there is no objective back to the little house.

But some say, like this one personal life, time is long, seem to feel everything is taken for granted, but if you want to consider two personal life together again, need courage than before, don't know how many times need to turn over. Gradually when used to a personal life, as if become nothing can't used to it.

Later, I was thinking when I am not a personal life, I worry about too many things, before the time is far away from me, I'm afraid one day I forget the time, so I kept to record them. And now I spend most of their time is getting along with their perception has become very clear, remember many details, even know lamps is it light up every day, is it dark, will know that the security guard downstairs a few hour walk around a circle. So better than lose that part of the joy out of these may seem more and does not make sense perception.


There are also a lot of things about a person to write, for example, a man ran to the girl friend in the campus, many times in our more than once in the evening watching the film and backboard, sit a whole afternoon, a man to fish in the lake on the corridor girlfriend wrote I was still not big yoriko that a few word, another person in the dormitory collective party drink the wine to the half of the time hiding in the toilet to vomit to faint, done all living a life done. But don't know why, when put pen to paper to write, write down the should remember so clear and calm, as if to lovelorn after 5 months, finally can find yourself a firm but live alone in the same way.

DX at a public university graduated, be points in the city, a famous hospital internship, I heard will stay there, she will be looking for in their vacation I come out to play, my daily nurses face..

Also like pictures of friends around wildly, easily bought SLR, let I envy him very much.

And every week and girlfriend embarking on an intimate friend, weekend is can't see his shadow.

Everyone can slowly find their own way, and can't from pull out.

Girlfriend said a man I recently completed before a dream with me, I went to the local qishan county, baoji ate authentic zones whistle face, a man carrying a big barrel of water tingyi, climbed up the huashan's east peak, these are all girl friend promised to accompany me, now I finished them one by one. After I went to changsha, a person quiet eating changsha famous stinky tofu, did not find them dead peng linwu duck mouth said, a man carrying a big travel around in the guzhen town, jing Hong Kong, is behind the house reed river, can be in the house at night blowing kawakaze backyard. I recorded these things in peace, I will send these things to worry about time erosion of nothing at all.

I don't want to forget them.

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